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SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台


杰纳西社区学院 has a number of policies relating to computer use. 请花时间去熟悉他们. 如果你对这些政策有疑问, feel free to stop into the Student Resource Center (T212) on campus or to contact Patricia Chaya, Dean of Students.


海湾合作委员会不以年龄为基础进行歧视, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual preference, veteran status, domestic violence status or disability in its educational programs, activities, admissions, and employment.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability and mandates that equal access and reasonable accommodations be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities.

Under the ADA any person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of his/her major life functions is defined as disabled. Students with disabilities may not be segregated and are fully included in the institution’s existing programs and activities.

GCC为残疾学生提供帮助, assists faculty and staff members who interact with the students and work closely with community agencies. It is the student’s responsibility to identify his/her need for services and provide the appropriate documents.


woman using a computer

Career Services

In support of 杰纳西社区学院’s mission and vision, Career Services is committed to providing assistance in navigating career and educational planning. Our office develops and sustains positive relationships with students, alumni, faculty, staff, employers, 我们的社区成员. 这些有意义的伙伴关系, 除了定制的教育经历, are designed to coach, prepare, and support individuals to become career confident citizens in a global work environment.


杰纳西社区学院, in its continuing effort to seek equity in education and employment and in support of federal and state anti-discrimination legislation, has adopted a complaint procedure for the prompt and equitable investigation and resolution of allegations of unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, familial status, pregnancy, 易感遗传特征, military status, 家庭暴力受害者身份, or criminal conviction.


Emergency Procedures

Basic emergency procedures are designed to enhance the protection of lives and property through effective use of college and community resources. Emergencies may be sudden and without warning and the succession of events can be unpredictable. Visit the Public Safety 学习如何在校园里保持安全.

Seizure Protocol

癫痫发作可能发生在任何时间和地点, even when someone is taking medication to manage their situation. In addition, there may or may not be warning signs that a seizure is about to happen – each individual is different.

Seizures do not usually require emergency medical attention. It is common for people to lose awareness of their surroundings when a seizure occurs.  当有人在校园里癫痫发作时, please contact GCC Campus Safety (x6500 from an on-campus phone or 585.345.6500 from a cell phone) to alert them that a campus member is experiencing a seizure. Campus Safety officer(s) will respond to assist the student or visitor experiencing the seizure.

同时等待校园安全人员的到来, it is helpful to clear the area surrounding the student or community member experiencing the seizure. You may ask students in your classroom to move out into the hallway to provide a private space for the person having a seizure.

  • 确保对方站在自己这边.
  • 从该区域移除坚硬或尖锐的物体.
  • 不要强迫别人吃任何东西.

如果校园安全人员不在, please utilize the following to assist in determining when outside assistance should be called:

如果其中一个或多个是真实的,请拨打911 CDC guidelines):

  • 这个人以前从来没有癫痫发作过.
  • The person has difficulty breathing or waking after the seizure.
  • 癫痫发作持续时间超过5分钟.
  • 患者在第一次发作后不久再次发作.
  • 病人在癫痫发作时受伤.
  • 癫痫发作发生在水中.
  • The person has a health condition like diabetes, heart disease, or is pregnant.

OR if the individual is incoherent and/or is unknown to responders and also, at the discretion of campus safety other college designee.

When in doubt, call 911, then contact GCC Campus Safety (x6500 from an on-campus phone or 585.345.6500 from a cell phone).

FERPA Consent – Authorization for Release of Information



  1. This is NOT 而对于最终成绩的上诉 ONLY for issues regarding academic concerns such as grades/plagiarism/cheating during the academic semester:
  2. Communicate with the faculty member with whom you have the issues.
  3. If not resolved, contact with the Director of that curriculum area.  请参阅以下联系人姓名列表.
  4. If there is no resolution, request an appointment with the appropriate Academic Dean:
    1. 数学、科学和职业教育学院院长 – Dr. 拉斐尔·艾丽西亚-马尔多纳多博士. RAM),
    2. 人类交流与行为学院院长 – Mr. Tim Tomczak,
    3. 分布式学习学院院长 (online classes)– Mr. Ed Levinstein,
  5. 如果在完成步骤2到4之后, AND 你被指控 academic dishonesty,请与教务处处长联系. Patty Chaya,讨论举行听证会的可能性, within five days of talking to the appropriate academic dean.

    Academic Dishonesty:

    • Cheating is obtaining or intentionally giving unauthorized information to create an unfair advantage in an examination, assignment, or classroom situation.
    • 抄袭是一种呈现和主张文字的行为, ideas, data, 把别人的代码或创造物当作自己的来编程. Plagiarism may be intentional – as in a false claim of authorship (including AI generated) – or unintentional – as in a failure to document information sources using MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association) or other style sheets or manuals adopted by instructors at the College. Presenting ideas in the exact or near exact wording as found in source material constitutes plagiarism, as does patching together paraphrased statements without in-text citation. The purchasing or sharing of papers or projects between students or the re-use of papers or projects submitted for more than one assignment or class also constitutes plagiarism.
    • Disciplinary action may include a failing grade on an assignment or test, 这门课不及格, 停学或开除学籍, 如《十大靠谱赌博平台》所述.
  6. 对于期末课程成绩争议等问题, 毕业要求和转学分, please fill out the Student Grade Appeal form. Please see additional information under Student Academic Appeals at 政策及程序.
Academic Dean Academic Director Course Prefix

Tim Tomczak

Maryanne Arena


Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Jim Bucki


Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Carrie Caccamise


Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Chris Caputi


Tim Tomczak

Barry Chow


Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Becky Dziekan


Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Marirose Ethington

Ast, bio, che, met, phb, phy

Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Chris Kemp


Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Lina LaMattina

Acc, blm, bus, cps, eco, fbm, oft, THM


Deb Penoyer


Tim Tomczak

Jodi Scondras


Tim Tomczak

Jonelle Torsevia

Cep, cin, eng, fye, you, lit, rea, spe

Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Maureen Welch


Dr. 拉斐尔Alicea-Maldonado

Karyn Bryson



杰纳西社区学院 is committed to retaining an environment in which the dignity and value of all members of the College community are respected. Bias related crimes against anyone on campus is considered a criminal act under the hate crime law and will not be tolerated. Bias related or hate crimes subverts the mission of the College and undermines the educational process.

(a) intentionally selects the person against whom the offense is committed or intended to be committed in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, 残疾:一个人的残疾或性取向, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct; or

(b) intentionally commits the act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, 残疾:一个人的残疾或性取向, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.

GCC is required to annually report campus crime statistics to the U.S. 教育部的网站


  • GCC校园安全部门电话:585-345-6500,
  • 学生院长585-343-0055分机6219
  • 第九条协调员585-343-0055 ext 6514.



Repeating Courses

Students may repeat a course for which credit has been received with a grade of A- or lower. 如果在重复一门课程后获得更高的分数, only the higher of the two grades will be computed to determine a cumulative grade point average (GPA), 虽然这两个成绩都会记录在成绩单上. A student may not repeat a course for which he or she has already received an “A” grade.

No course may be repeated solely in order to increase the number of credits earned in courses where the credit hours have been changed. The course will only be counted once toward graduation requirements and computation of total hours earned.

Full-time students who elect to repeat a course for which credit has already been received should register for 12 credit hours relevant to their degree program in addition to the repeated course in order to remain eligible for TAP awards. Full-time students who register for remedial courses should also register for at least six credits of non-remedial credit courses. However, 在第一个资助期内, a full-time student need only register for at least three credits of non-remedial credit courses. Students at community colleges are eligible for a total of six semesters of TAP funding.

Student Code of Conduct


Student Bill of Rights




Transfer Services

Thousands of students have begun their college education at GCC, 转学到四年制学校, 然后拿到了学士学位, 各个领域的硕士和博士学位. The coursework in our associate’s degree programs is comparable to that of the freshman and sophomore year at most 4-year schools. You can spend your first two years at Genesee and then transfer the credits you earn here to a four-year school of your choice to complete your degree. 十大靠谱赌博平台转移的思考? 了解更多转职手续.

Use of College-Assigned Email for Official and Instructional Correspondence




Students may officially withdraw from a course through the ninth week of classes during a full semester course and prior to the completion of 9/16 of a course during the summer or special classes. 退课截止日期每学期公布一次. In order to officially withdraw, a student may withdraw online (through myGCC),或向 Records Office. 正确退课是学生的责任. 退出等级将分配如下:

  1. Official withdrawals received by the Records Office prior to the census date (i.e. the end of the third week of classes) will result in the course being deleted from the student’s record and no grade will be recorded
  2. Official withdrawals received by the Records Office after the census date and prior to the end of the ninth week (specific date published each semester) will result in a grade of “W”
  3. Formal withdrawal may not be initiated after the ninth week of classes (specific date published each semester). Failure to complete course requirements will result in a grade of “F”
  4. Refunds are not given without advanced withdrawal notice from the student. Refund and charge reductions are determined by the date of written withdrawal notice. The policy regarding refund of tuition and fees is detailed in the “Admissions and Financial Aid” section of this catalog


Students finding it necessary to withdraw from the College before the end of a term in which they are enrolled must follow established withdrawal procedures. 提款可在网上(通过以下方式)完成 myGCC) or in person in the Records Office. Refunds are given on a pro rata basis and are not given without advance withdrawal notice from the student. The student should contact the Business Office immediately if he/she is considering withdrawal from the College.